Give your opinion about the following link 3º ESO

  1. Do you sleep the time you need accoring to your age?
  2. If you don’t sleep the time you need, can it affect to your study?
  3. Propose a way to balance time to study, sport and necessary time to sleep.
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4 respuestas a Give your opinion about the following link 3º ESO

  1. Elena Cucó dijo:

    I think that I sleep the necessary hours according to my age but when there are exams I sleep less than I would have to sleep.
    I think that not getting enough sleep on a specific day cannot affect your studies but several consecutive days can affect.
    One way of balancing studying, sports and getting enough sleep is to leave school, then do sports to get dependent and then go back to study and that way you can concentrate more and go faster to go to sleep before.

  2. Marta Soltivska muts (3 ESO A) dijo:

    I don’t sleep the necessary time according to my age and this is due to studies and
    the mobilephone, which makes me waste my time, and therefore I take some of my time to sleep.
    Not sleeping long enough does affect in our studing, because, as
    puts into the article, has long-term health impacts. Also, there is a change in
    balance between the brain systems in adolescence that cause stress and
    as a consequence, risks of suicide, overweight, high rates of injury, poor sustained attention and, in particular, regarding the school, low school grades. If we all slept
    due time, there would be an increase in average ratings and a
    improved school attendance.
    One way to balance study time, sport and sleep time is:
    the first thing is to try to put the mobilephone away or ask someone for help to leave it.
    After this we have to organize the time of study and sport, which
    will help you to sleep as long as necessary because, as is written in this article, the brains of the teenagers are developing, so we need to sleep more than the

  3. Carla Martínez 3ºESO C dijo:

    1. It depends on the day and how tired I am, but normally I sleep about eight hours per day.

    2. I feel more tired and I don’t want to do anything, so finally I don’t take advantage of doing things, both things I like doing and my homework or studying.

    3. I think that if we organize us, we have time to do anything we want. Maybe if we do an schedule where we capture the things we have to do and the hours that we have to do that activity, would be a form of do everything you want.

  4. Marta Pocoví (3er ESO A.) dijo:

    In my opinion, I think I don’t sleep for the necessary time for my age, usually because of bad organization and sometimes, because of excessive use of the mobile.
    Not sleeping for the necessary time can affect my studies, it may mean that I am not concentrated in class and have a lower academic performance.
    A way to balance time to study, sport and necessary time to sleep, would be to organize better the time I am at home making the most of it. It is very important to have extracurricular activities in good time and close to home, in addition to practicing a sport such as tennis, it can help you disconnect from studies for a while and socialize with other people.

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